Monday, May 10, 2010

I begin - about nothing

My writer sister once commented that I should start a blog. She has about 3 or 4 or 5, (I can't keep track) all with different types of content. As we were trekking across the prairie this Mother's Day, I was flooded with ideas for a blog. I can't remember any of them, or at least not enough to make an interesting blog. I imagine my readership will be an audience of one supportive sister. Oh well, writing is good for the soul even if no other soul reads it.

So what shall I blog about? Ugh - WRITER'S BLOCK. I'm hoping some day I'll look back and laugh at this rambling.  Should it be an introductory blog about me & my life?  Or is that just for the "about me" section. I am lacking in blog rules and etiquette.  My daughter will likely laugh at me.  What else is new?  Should I blog about procrastinating?  Maybe later.  (See how funny I can be?)  For now I've spent too much of a busy day just setting up this blog and pondering it's contents.  Now I have to go stock our tornado shelter.  Hey - a blog idea for next time!